

With a membership, you’ll enjoy the best floating experience with flexible terms, the best pricing, and extra perks. Floats rollover and are 100% shareable. Additional floats at membership price ($59). Three month commitment required.

One float per month | $59

Float + Sauna

Experience a full mind and body experience by combining an infrared sauna followed by a float session. Re-balance your body’s level of cortisol to fully relax muscles and relieve tension throughout the body, allowing you to relax, detox and de-stress. One per month with a three month commitment required.

Monthly Float + Sauna | $99

  • 30 minute sauna session (recommended first)

  • 60 minute float

$59 Floats for Members

Invest in your wellness and get the best value!

Dive deep into your self-care: experience profound personal growth, manage stress, start or supplement your meditation practice, and connect to an amazing community of conscious-minded individuals!