Athletic Benefits

From Steph Curry to Tom Brady to Olympians like Carl Lewis and Michael Phelps, athletes are using flotation therapy to reach optimal performance levels and recover health faster. Similar benefits are attributed to the use of the infrared sauna: some team training facilities are now implementing its use for their athletes.

here are some of these incredible, holistic benefits

f o r f lo t a t i o n t h e r a p y . . .

reduced lactic acid

exercise increases lactic acid in the blood, which often leads to soreness in muscles

rebuilt protein in joins

even as weightlessness reduces pressure on joints, Epsom salt goes to work repairing and replacing proteins lost there

increased endorphins

as well as offering calm, focus and emotional rejuvenation, endorphins are a natural pain reliever

improved sleep

by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, floating can help regulate sleep patterns and ensure the restorative sleep needed to optimize athletic performance

increased focus

in an environment free of external distractions, athletes enter a meditative state that promotes mindfulness and mental clarity

reduced cortisol

released during exercise, flotation reduces the levels of these hormones, leading to decreased stress and increased rest

improved recovery

the integrated effects target the whole body, increasing immunity and speed to the healing process

boosted immunity

stress is known to suppress the immune system: the stress-reducing properties of flotation therapy can increase immune function, supporting overall health and well-being

flushed toxins

sauna heat dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow, speeding up the process of flushing lactic build up and other metabolic waste

f o r i n f r a r e d s a u n a . . .

improved blood circulation

heat increases both the heart rate and blood vessel dilation as well as activates the sympathetic nervous system (which can result in decreased pain and soreness)

increased oxygen production

proper oxygen levels improve the efficiency of every cell in the body and is thus related to all functions of the body, including sleep, immunity, clarity, energy, metabolism—the list goes on and on!

improved recovery

the integrated effects of infrared sauna therapy target the whole body, increasing immunity and speed to the healing process